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Historical Data (v1)

For data analysis conveince, the following are protocol-v1 historical data snapshots collected and stored off-chain (~99% of records).

Encourage anyone in the community to confirm by parse the logs using the Anchor IDL for transactions including to program id = dammHkt7jmytvbS3nHTxQNEcP59aE57nxwV21YdqEDN to verify the history.

To download records of interest, combine the URL Prefix with one of the Route Suffixes in the table below.

URL Prefix:

Record TypeRoute SuffixExample
Trademarket/market-symbol/trades/year/month user/user-authority/trade/yearMarket Trades 03/2022 User Trader 2022
Funding Ratesmarket/market-symbol/funding-rates/year/monthFunding Rates 03/2022
Funding Paymentsuser/user-authority/funding-payments/yearUser Funding Payments 2021
Depositsuser/user-authority/deposit/yearUser Deposits 2021
Ordersuser/user-authority/order/yearUser Orders 2022
Liquidationsuser/user-authority/liquidation/yearUser Liquidations 2022
Candlesmarket/market-symbol/candles/resolution/resolution/year/month1 Min Candles