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P&L Pool

Any account can call the settlePNL instruction, which will trigger negative P&L accounts to be settled, adding to each per-market P&L pool. Negative P&L being settled increases the amount available to be settled, whilst positive P&L being settled decreases the amount available for settlement.

Note: calling settlePNL does not affect open positions. The function only settles the funds available in the PNL Pool for withdrawal.

It's important to recognise the difference between settling P&L and **realising P&L **(read more here: P&L.

Calling settlePNL

Any account can call settlePNL instruction. Once called, all unrealised negative P&L will be settled and added to the market's P&L Pool to be made available for withdrawal.

Users with open positions that have negative unrealised P&L will have their unrealised P&L settled and sent to the P&L Pool; however, their position will be unaffected.

As users are settled against, the Cost Basis for their position will be adjusted so that their position remains unchanged even though a portion of their unrealised negative P&L has been realised and sent to the P&L Pool.

The P&L settled as a result of the settlePNL instruction will be reflected in theUnrealised P&L tab, specifically within theRealised P&L column. The adjusted cost basis for the position is reflected in the Cost Basis column.